Go Ski Alberta
Alberta's #1 resource for ski resort listings, ski and snowboard special offers, events, learn-to-ski and board tips and more. Read more and enjoy Alberta's best skiing!Learn To Ski
ProgramsWe’ve got a pair of skis or snowboard with your name on it.
Forget the excuses, it’s time to join the fun and experience all an Alberta winter is about. Take part in this Canadian pastime and share your story with #snowproud. Be proud of your accomplishments on the hill – from the smallest to the biggest, we want to hear about it!
Norquay Demo Day
Gear up for the winter season with our Demo Days! If you’re looking to try out the latest skis, snowboards, or winter accessories, this is your chance to test-drive the coolest new gear on the market and try before you buy! Top gear experts and representatives from leading brands will be on-site to showcase the newest must-have gear of season. This ...
...Castle Western Day
HEY Y’ALL! It’s Western Day on March 15! Grab your boots and your belts and get ready for an on-hill honkytonk you’ll never forget. Corral your rootin’ tootin’ friends in your finest denim and ride those slopes like a bull! ...
Dummy Downhill
Don’t miss PPK’s annual Dummy Downhill on March 15! Bring your cardboard dummy to the lodge starting at 11 a.m. so folks can admire your handiwork. Come 12 p.m. our judges will look at all of the dummies to determine the winner in the Best Design category. Once judging is over, everything will be moved to Daredevil’s Dip for the ...
...Coca-Cola Live Sessions
Join us March 8th and March 15th for our Coca Cola Live Sessions where there’ll be music and giveaways at our lower chalet. Find out more over at skimarmot.com/events ...
SNOW SQUAD CAMPS – Tawatinaw Valley
WE STILL HAVE SPACE IN OUR CAMPS MAR. 2, 9, 16 10 AM-12PM each day- $115 Lift tickets and rentals are not included. CALL THE CHALET TO BOOK 780-698-2212 ...
Blue Ridge Slope Snow Down
Head to Alberta’s newest Snow Resort in La Crete for the first Blue Ridge Slope Snow Down event. Sunday March 16: 1:00 – 3:30pm Lift tickets $5 Outdoor BBQ Face painting, scavenger hunt, costume contest, races and more. ...